March 2016

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collage art diet 2016 – week 9

I am anxiously waiting for Spring even though there is no sign of its arrival yet. Moving away from greys and metallics of February, March is going to be about blue skies and bright Spring colors. Here are my three pieces for the first week of March.

I am still playing around with the idea of stitching the cut-outs into the paper and taking myself out of my comfort zone with the compositions.

You can follow this #collagediet on instagram.

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collage art diet 2016 – week 8

I watched the Oscars last night and obviously I was more focused on the gowns than anything else. It is one guilty pleasure that I can easily write off as professional “visual research”! I actually can’t wait to get my hand on the images of some of those fantastic shiny gowns and cut them out for my work. After all as I have always said, I am my own kind of a fashionista and #thisishowiwearit.  I am ending the #collagediet for the month of February with more glitter, metallics and golden fireworks as finale.

You can follow this #collagediet on instagram.

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