June 2016

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collage art diet 2016 – week 27

My three pieces from last week are delayed. As some of you know I was insanely busy with putting together the 55th Toronto Outdoor Art Exhibition with a fantastic team. I am very inspired by the great art I saw there and looking forward to take my time at the studio and go back into my own creative process. These pieces are yet again simple cut-outs subtly enhanced by minimal drawings.

You can follow this #collagediet on instagram.98-collagediet16-anahitaazrahimi 99-collagediet16-anahitaazrahimi 100-collagediet16-anahitaazrahimi

collage art diet 2016 – week 25

I couldn’t capture the subtle green colour of these pieces in the photographs. They are quite gentle, simple and charismatic in person – these qualities didn’t translate either. All I want to say is that I am happy with how they turned out and really their energy.

You can follow this #collagediet on instagram.

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collage art diet 2016 – week 20

This post is delayed from two weeks ago. I made the pieces but didn’t get a chance to photograph and post them.  I am feeling quite stretched these days but have to keep up with the challenge . I am also at a point that I know I need to shake up things with these collages. Maybe when I reach a half-year mark I will do some changes in the direction. I don’t know. This post feels  like my diary now and I am babbling to myself!


You can follow this #collagediet on instagram.77-collagediet16-anahitaazrahimi

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