January 2016

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collage diet challenge recap + 2016 theme

Happy New Year Everyone!

I can’t believe this collage diet challenge is over. I feel like an addict in withdrawal mode and not knowing what to do with myself even though I have some great awesome things lined up for 2016. Thanks for all your emails, notes, comments and conversations around this. It meant a lot and fueled  my enthusiasm even more. This was the first real regimented challenge I have ever done. I have to say I truly enjoyed the dicipline and rigidity of sticking to the rule that I set for myself. I learnt a great deal from it. Letting out some old memories and strong emotions was very liberating. It also reminded me of how at times I can do more even though it doesn’t look like there is an inch left on my already full plate. I just needed to absolutely love what I was doing which I did and that was enough to get me going. Pushing through the moments when I felt I had no new ideas but then something different and interesting in a very subtle way would emerge were the best parts. I think I enjoyed the subtle changes more than anything else. A lot of small ideas and gentle changes have surfaced. I am a big fan of slow, gradual and small changes that come from within rather than drastic make-overs. I am curious where this all would take me.

I have decided to stay on this #collagediet on paper. It is too good and I love it too much. My dream is to have 500 pieces in total of this type of work. I know it is very ambitious. If I hit 250 pieces for 2016 I am content. I am aiming to do three pieces each week till the end of the year and maybe some weeks to do daily work. It is manageable and realistic considering that I am taking on a major exciting assignment that I will be sharing with you soon as well as continuing my work on canvas.

I am hoping to put a selection of my most favourite pieces together soon. Stay tuned for that and I would love it if you continue following the new #collagediet on instagram.


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